The central Italian platform villa: a case study in the Pontine region
The author discusses the state of knowledge on the so-called platform villa, a rural site type characterized by a building platform contained by polygonal walls. Platform villas are found throughout central Italy and are generally related to agricultural developments from the fourth century BC onwards. Detailed studies, however, are lacking so far. An intensive site survey carried out in the summer of 2002 re-mapped and sampled eleven of such sites in the Pontine area near the Roman colonies of Cora, Norba and Setia (South Latium). The survey-data on the one hand support existing ideas on the layout of the platform villa and, on the other hand, complement the general view of settlement history in the foothills of the Monte Lepini.
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A contemporary vision on ecstatic maenadism
Thanks to the charismatic character of Dionysos, this god inspired several artists, philosophers and classicists since Antiquity. But one of the most fascinating dimensions of Dionysiac cult, ecstatic maenadism, earned less attention. The author tries to unveil this intriguing element of Dionysiac cult by tracing the Greek women’s motive of participating in this cult by drawing a parallel with current shamanistic cults all over the world. Today’s medical progress supports her thesis that maenadism can be explained as a continuous mental therapy for women owing to their marginal position in classical Greek society.
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Write and Rewrite: The Role of Ptolemaios in the History of King Antiochos I of Kommagene
The history of Hellenistic Kommagene is still partly unknown. This article focuses on the gouvernor Ptolemaios mentioned in Diodorus, who claimed kingship in 163 BC. His ancestry is unknown as well as his relationship with the later Kommagenian kings. According to the ancestrial reliefs on the Nemrud Da, he was the great-grandfather of the Kommagenian king Antiochos I. Using Hobsbawm and Rangers’ theory of “invented traditions”, the author seeks to explain that this is a myth invented by king Antiochos himself.
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Ethniciteit op de plaats van urbanisatie
No English abstract available
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